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Simplified online experiences Business is complex, your website doesn’t need to be. We believe any online engagement should be intuitive for customers and straightforward for staff. We’re here to help you find a way to solve your challenges. Areas of Focus Volunteer Application and Review Platform - Volunteers are the most engaged and important members to your organization. Members who volunteer are more likely to renew, to attend major events, and provide a greater value to your organization. Meta-Dao provides a volunteer solution to make applications and reviews easier for your association. Learn more... Integration Partner for Associations - Meta-Dao will deliver you answers to your next integration, taking all the guesswork out of the process. As your association’s integration partner, Meta-Dao will: Validate a system’s ability to support integrations during selection Build on an Enterprise-level Integration Platform – Tibco Cloud Provide documentation, ongoing monitoring and support. Learn more... NetForum Development and Support - Get more out of NetForum by collaborating with Meta-Dao. Enhance your customer experience, improve staff processes, and get a partner there to help make you successful. Learn more...  Meta-Dao is committeed to serving the association community - not just with our services, but also with our time. Justin Burniske, Meta-Dao's Principal Consultant and Co-Ower, will be serving as the ASAE Technology Professional's Advisory Council Chair in 2024-2025. Curious to learn more about Meta-Dao or just chat with Justin - make sure to schedule a meeting! Schedule a Call